Brave Creator on Blogger/Blogspot

Verifying as a Brave Creator on Blogger/Blogspot is possible but it takes a few extra steps. 

Normally the easiest way to verify a website is to place a specific file in a specific location on your server.

On Blogger you don't have access to this location but there is a way around this. It involves placing the required information to verify as a Brave Creator in a custom file and then re-direct any requests from the Brave server for the "/.well-known/brave-rewards-verification.txt" file to this custom file.

Here are the steps you need to take.

  1. In your Creator Account, select "+ Add Channel" and select "Website".
  2. When presented with the option, enter your blogspot address and press 'Continue'.

  3. Select 'I'll use a trusted file'.
  4. On the next screen, select and copy the file contents for the verification file.

  5. In Blogger, select the button to add a new post, switch to HTML view (left most button on the toolbar) and paste the contents of the verification file in the editor.
  6. Give the post an easy to remember name and publish it.

  7. In another window, open your blog and navigate to the post you have just created.
  8. Check that the file is there and the contents displays correctly. Copy the file location from the address bar (in my case 2021/12/braveverification.html

  9. In Blogger select Settings (on the left on the main menu), scroll down to 'Errors and Redirects', select 'Custom Redirect'.
  10. Add the following Custom redirect, replacing the 'To' name with the exact location and name of the file you created in step 6. Hit 'OK'.

  11. Go back to your Creator account as you left it in step 4, select 'Verify'
  12. Your Blogspot domain should now show up as verified.

  13. In Blogger, 'unpublish' the verification file by selecting 'Revert to draft'.

  14. Congratulations, you blog is now part of your Brave Creator account and you are ready to receive tips.
If this has been helpful to you, please consider dropping me a tip. Thank you very much.



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