
Brave Creator on Blogger/Blogspot

Verifying as a Brave Creator on Blogger/Blogspot is possible but it takes a few extra steps.  Normally the easiest way to verify a website is to place a specific file in a specific location on your server. On Blogger you don't have access to this location but there is a way around this. It involves placing the required information to verify as a Brave Creator in a custom file and then re-direct any requests from the Brave server for the "/.well-known/brave-rewards-verification.txt" file to this custom file. Here are the steps you need to take. In your Creator Account, select "+ Add Channel" and select "Website". When presented with the option, enter your blogspot address and press 'Continue'. Select 'I'll use a trusted file'. On the next screen, select and copy the file contents for the verification file. In Blogger, select the button to add a new post, switch to HTML view (left most button on the toolbar) and paste the contents of